I learned a theory from my brother, years ago, who learned it from a consulting whiz, that people learn best when in groups of seven. Interesting. A lot of learning happens with these kids as a result of just hanging out together, sharing their passions, free to experiment, fail and then learn from their mistakes, uninhibited by adult control. It's hard sometimes, not interfering, just waiting for them to ask for help. Especially when directing or art are involved (for me personally). I've learned (I keep relearning this!) that my unsolicited advice just stops their flow, frustrates them, keeps them from that brazen confidence that allows them to take the risks that forge new paths. Risks that I, who mostly learned from books and in classes, am hesitant to take.
I'm grateful for all of our friends, near and far.
And, we're incredibly grateful that our eleven year old dog, Tuki, has a young, new friend:
"Follow me Willie, here's how to dig up the chipmunk we buried several days ago":
Willie has been going to work with Nicolas at the farm. Tuki gets a much needed break from the constant Willie love-fest. Time alone is good too. But after a while, we all miss our friends.
Yes, after a while, we DO all miss our friends, even our blog-only friends. :) I was definitely missing your presence here, so I'm so glad you're writing a bit. I totally expect you will take more long breaks in the future, and I think those are wonderful for you and your family (they get more of you), and I expect to do the same on and off. But I love to get glimpses of you guys and hear bits of your lives.
Thanks Rachel. I got to see you and your beautiful family on that film! Amazing! I hope we'll see each other in Chicago or at a conference in the future.
Yay! Tuki has a new friend! So cute :) I miss you guys!
Kelli! We miss you guys too. Wish you were even more local. But you aren't so far that we can't get together soon.
I'm so glad you're blogging again, I love your blog!
I was trawling the internet, desperate to remember those few things you mean to look into when you have the time, and I clicked my bookmarked link for Barn-raising. So glad I did! I miss you guys and I can't believe how grown the boys look! I've wanted you to meet Wes before he is officially a toddler, but it seems those first steps will be happening any day now. Hopefully you will meet soon! Give all my love to Nicolas, Gillen,Jesse, and of course YOU (Maddie) xoxoxox
how do you get so many commenters? I cant get any :(
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