Last night we had grilled local pork chops, with broccoli and potatoes from the farm. We missed butter. Gillen missed barbecue sauce. But not so much. It was all so fresh and flavorful.
On Tues., there is a local GA Organics event happening at Restaurant Eugene. It is a five course local meal with wine pairings and a meet and greet with farmers - so Nicolas and I will get to be there. Five courses at Restaurant Eugene. yum!
Do you all grow the purple potatoes? I had never even heard of them before when they were presented to me as part of my dinner on a cruise we took a few years ago. And then recently I found them at Kroger. They don't sell them as just purples...but you buy a bag of "jems" with all different types of potatoes. But my girls fight over them...everyone wants the purple ones! Now I need to figure out where to just get purple ones...
Aw man! Clint's going out of town tomorrow or else I'd surely drag us all into the city for this event. Sounds wonderful!!!
Kat, we do grow them. Lots of purples this year. These were the first of the season so he won't be selling them for a few more weeks yet. But then, you can buy them at the Morningside Farmer's Market from the farmer himself on Sat. mornings!
Wendy, it would be great to see you guys there. I'll let you know next time.
and I thought three dollars for my eggs was expensive.
CG, $3 for your eggs is cheap! My MIL sells hers for $5.50 (it may be $6 now) a dozen and she has people lining up every week at the market. She sells out by 8am. She does feed them all organic grain (she says it's the only way to assure that she's not giving gmo corn), along with their grass. So she still doesn't make much money on them.
As for the GA Organic event - yes, it is whopping expensive, but not if you consider the wines and caliber of chef. Not that we could go if we had to pay.
I have never been...we'll have to go and check it out in a few weeks so that I can get purple potatoes!
Yum. That looks great. There have been similar events here in my city but we have not been able to go to one yet. Always sounds so good!!!
Yum...we had fun with the purple potatoes last year. Made some little french fried disks out of them.
Considering that gmo corn allows for no till which conserves soil (a little), it is difficult for me to consider it a bad thing. I guess I'm just contrary enough to not ever accept the PC line on things. I think industrial agriculture is a bad thing in general, and I don't think so-called organic industrial is an improvement. Besides, to get so-called organic feed, I'd have to drive three hours to pick it up. Not earth friendly at all.
It sounds like a wonderful event. I really do enjoy dining myself so I get it.
What beautiful potatoes! (busily scribbles that in garden notebook for next year...)
Lovely meal!
Just wanted to let you know that after seeing this post, I bought some pork chops to grill....
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