Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to get out of my head - a reminder to myself

Sometimes I get stuck -mired in my own muddy thoughts.
It's usually when I'm not looking in the right direction.
When I forget to see life in unexpected places.
and lose sight of the abundance right in front of me.
It helps to put on the wide angle lens and take in their perspective (like when I watched Jesse the other day at our former beaver pond, patiently hunting for tadpoles with his spear).
Listening is good (here, Jesse is describing the interaction of his spear and the tadpole's skull).Or, I watch the way others interact.
In silence,

or not.
I like imagining through his eyes,

and the reminder to just keep moving.


Madeline Rains said...

Yep. I didn't even know I was still stuck until that day at the farm got me unstuck.

Bhu said...

Nice post. A sweet and visual visual poem. Gillen's driving alone! Wow.

Christa said...

My kids have rescued me from many a funk...when I was ready to be rescued. Great photos and post.


laura said...

this is beautiful!! thanks for the reminder to take off the blinders, look around, and be present!! i get stuck up in my head sometimes and this is just really good to remember.

Sarah said...

Beautiful post, Madeline, thank you. I love the pictures you chose to help illustrate your points. Especially your son demonstrating his tadpole hit. lol

Clementine said...

You take really good pictures Madeline!! and i love Jesse's haircut!! :D

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