Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter scrapbook

We had Mimine (Nicolas' mother, Helen) over for lunch. The eggs in the middle are from her chickens. She created the rich brown colored ones with onion peels. The blue ones emerged that way, from the chickens.
The first Iris fully bloomed:
My vintage thrift store apron (which for some reason I only remember to wear on Easter):Tulips in the kitchen window:An orchid in the art room:Checking out the competition's basket:
My cousin Lake and his friend came for dinner. We had herb marinated grilled local pork chops, kale salad and homemade gingerbread. The next few days will bring lots more rain, again. But today was all about the sun.


gail said...

Beautiful pictures! I especially love the tulips in the window..

Deanne said...

What a nice picture of you and Jesse. Happy Easter!

Clementine said...

I hope you all had a lot of chocolat, ... because at Damien's we had plenty of them!!! i love the pictures of the flowers and you with Jessie!