The farm withstood Friday and Saturday's storms well. I'm
Gillen's Bronze turkey hens are taking turns sitting on their eggs. When "Flamer" walked away for a bit, we were able to count twelve. Gillen is hoping for 18-25 poults from each hen.
The kids' remaining seeds arrived from High Mowing today. Gillen got his peas, Nicotiana and peppers into seed trays. Jesse seeded his peppers from Johnny's. It is too early to seed the rest.
You know that expression, "A long row to hoe" Do I have that right? Is it an expression out in the literary world or do you only hear it on the farm? FOund it! It's from a poem by James Russell Lowell and is, "You've a darned long row to hoe." Here is its' source:
My favorite chicken, "Mohawk Dude".
Whistling while he works.
"Our life is like a series of NOT unfortunate events."
- Jesse this afternoon, with some money in his pocket from farm work and a carefully thought out decision that many of our days are almost as good as Sundays.
what a great way for kids to grow up I must admit I was never lucky enough and neither were my children we did our best but not as good, I believe they would have been all the better for more of a country life.
My son loves his fishing ( he is 22 ) and asked me the other day why so few kids in England go fishing or just go for walks by the sea and I did not know what to say except the love for all things to do with nature starts very early and you never lose it . most of the parents in England spend so much time running to catch up with what? they do not even know that kids miss out on so much
Steve, I don't think that you have to have grown up with it though. I sure didn't and I felt like I appreciated nature more because it was a rare treat. I think it's a personality thing. Just my theory.
I visited your blog about blogging. It looks interesting.
Taran is offering the head of our fake owl (it looks to be the same model). He says "anything to let animals grow peacefully except giving them my Pokemon cards".
I love, love, love your farm pictures. Does your tractor lay your plastic mulch? It looks similar to our system, however, we lay all ours by hand - yuck. My back aches for days.
Oh, to see the sun shining and people weeding makes me NEED spring. If you want a laugh, head over to my blog for the latest pictures of our greenhouse! We have to laugh or we will cry. Any good farm real estate in your neighborhood? I'm ready.
Kimba, Taran rules! Tell him that we found the head, but thanks.
Angie, they lay it by hand as well. Not fun. But it saves so much weeding time. My back can't take it at all any more. I feel for you.
I love this view into your world and I LOVE that chicken with the feather hat!!
My goodness, that IS a long row to hoe! I envy you working outside in the sunshine though, we're still about thigh deep in snow. "Mohawk Dude" is stunning! Mother Nature out-did herself with that one ;)
*sigh* I love Monday farm photos.
Maybe the owl gods were taking their revenge? I'm glad your tunnels didn't get hit! I hate watching our dance in the wind. Maybe someday I'll invest in a nice solid steel one... when I have the money.
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