This morning, Gillen came into my bed and described the amazing dream he had about being on a loong plane ride and then going to see Egyptian tombs and getting to meet baby Henry. It really does feel like a dream, as life there is so different than our rural life here.
There is a sweet side to returning home. While we were gone, our part of the world turned intensely pink, lilac, yellow and green.
Plus, we kidnapped the NY cousins and their mom and took them home with us on the plane. Wish we could have taken Damien, Stacy, Henry and Lake. They were busy this week - wheeling, dealing, and learning how to eat cereal.
The farm was filled with young, industrious, clean-cut farm help this morning.
Good to have you back, but where's the picture of the new hairdo?
I'm so jealous that everything's blooming down there! We're still swinging down into the 20s at night occasionally, so I'm biding time until I remove my tunnel plastic.
Also, I have to admit that I hate NYC. I love DC, Boston, Philly, even Baltimore, but the energy of NYC and the dirty grayness of it all just eats at me. I like "towns" not "cities," if you know what I mean, and NYC is definitely a city.
It is so wonderful to see things growing! I can't wait to be able to harvest something as Nicholas is doing in the picture.....I'm drooling.
So glad to hear NY was great. Haven't been there in years. We used to live in Hartford, CT. and would make the trip down every couple of months.
Pictures of the new hair??
Welcome back.
I totally relate to your grooving in the thick of THE city and to loving your rural nest. It is precisely to avoid having to trade off choosing between such polar opposites that I switch hemispheres every half year or so. Both contexts are good (and bad;-) and the combina (Hebrew slang for Rube-Goldberg-type pasting together of things that don't match yet work at least temporarily, sort of) is my solution to avoiding having only one flavor, for now. See you late June! Unless you care to drop by Tel Aviv where the temps last week were only 101 degrees F.
101 degrees in Tel Aviv and still in the 20's in MD. Snow in Wisconsin...Blogging has made me so much more aware of climate differences.
Danielle, I think I love NYC in part because of the memories I have there. But also, I am an extremist and I like all-out city and extreme country, loong hair or short hair (on me).
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