-Danielle's farming blog which has finally pushed me to join the summer eat local challenge. It asks you to eat one all-locally produced meal a week and then post about it on your blog. We eat mostly local meals so it's time I learned how to take pictures of a few of them (I am challenged by food pictures) and share some recipes here - not, Farmer Nicolas, that I am not hard at work on a farm website as well. I am, in my mind, conceiving all kinds of brilliance with all of this inspiration.
-Next month (gulp), inspired by a tiny germ of an idea I've had in my mind for years, I am taking on the National Novel Writing Month Challenge. The challenge happens, with lots of support from the website and from fellow participants, in November. But June is the month that my kids have chosen to attend lots of day camps so that is the month when I will have hours of uninterrupted time in which to procrastinate write. I do wish that I had fellow writers to do this with. Anyone else want to join me?
-Jen Lemen's blog where she is recounting her soulful (Stephanie's apt word for Jen)and successful attempt to raise money and cards for girls in Rwanda. She is making the trip to Rwanda this month and has created a zine that is beautiful. There is so much more to the story. Check it out.She and Stephanie (and Danielle) inspire me to think and create with a world-view, and/or to support those who already do.
Lastly, I am inspired by Jesse's peace post to live in my peaceful "yes" and fight to control the dramatic "no" demon and reactive witch who occasionally also inhabit my body.
Anyone out there inspired to write 50,000 words with me next month (while living peacefully and eating locally of course)?
Those only inspired by the farm photos - they are coming! Taken by my photographer sister, they are amazing.
even without your hair, your smile & *the girls*, your beauty shines through :)
wow! writing a novel - super impressed. so so glad you like the dressing. sounds good right about now. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for my lemon tree, garlic and dill to produce so i can make it homegrown.
I'm inspired by you...
your honesty, your love of life, your focus on the details.
Good for you for writing! Me, I'm the procrastinator you crossed out.
Danielle and Diana, you are so making me smile, and blush.
Molly, that would be amazing!
I'm in for the one local challenge. Trying to recruit a friend too!
Oh, i'm so impressed by your ambitions. I also joined NaNoWriMo a year ago and failed miserably, so I'll have to chew on that for awhile....but you are tempting me!
I forgot to ask - what lens do you have on that Nikon? Just curious.
Angie, the lens is the 18-70 mm AF-S Nikor that came with the camera (a Nikon D70 that my sister gave me last year).
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