Doesn't this look like a plague of purple and white locusts? Or fairies? Or Mardi Gras bees?
Agrostemma stole the show today. Two long rows of it were fully expressing themselves, attracting all local birds,bees,insects, and Gillen and I, with their ethereal charm.

Here they are sharing the spotlight with other new Helen blooms.

There is some duck news to report - Mae Belle is sitting on thirteen eggs, get this, surrounded by
roosters in the temporarily male-only-chicken coop, otherwise known as death row. Gillen says that she laid the eggs about two to three weeks ago and has been sitting on them about a week. I so hope that Mae Belle and the other two ducks will soon be followed closely by a long line of sweet, squeaky ducklings.
In turkey news, I am sad to report that one poult drowned and the other one got out of the fence and did not return. The Bronze turkey mamas are laying, but not yet sitting.
The plums are starting to ripen.

Gillen made up for an earlier sibling moment he'd had with his brother by giving him the one perfectly ripe plum he found hanging off of a tall branch; still showing Jesse who could carry whom, but with kindness.

The farmers taking a moment to smell the roses, and scratch their feet.

Jesse has been spending lots of time practicing on his new Ocarina. He has made up a tune called "Unite of Underground" (which I mistakenly thought was "You Knight of Underground" but was corrected). He is presently working on his second composition - "The Tuki Tune", named for our dog Tuki, not two keys. This time, I called it correctly the first time.
Oooh! I love the flower pictures! I'm looking forward to hearing the ocarina as well!
blooms, blooms beautiful blooms :)
Oh! And I just picked up 2 more ocarinas when we were in Seattle. (ok, so that was in November *g*) 2 beautiful bigger ones.
Can't wait to see you guys!
The Agrostemma is gorgeous. Too early in our neck of the woods for flowers, but I'm counting the days!
Thanks for the pics. The one of Gillen carrying Jesse is adorable.
The bucolic bliss portrayed in text and image belies the HUGE work behind it. My Mac cap off to you all!
This post and so many here offer relief from "posts that haunt" as you once commented on an earlier one (and more) that I wrote. I finally delivered a feel-good post after making a silent vow to "balance" the haunting ones... Thank you, Madeline!
A question I have been pondering while we experience sticker shock on food, even basics such as milk, rice, and bread worldwide. How have consumers' cutting back on expenditures affected farmers, your family, for example?
Oh Tamar, I so appreciate the posts that haunt. But I will read the feel-good one happily.
The restaurants are affected but and are buying a bit less from us but the lines at our farmers' market are longer. Eating locally is becoming more of a priority.
Mama , we have never had plums before and are really excited about it. I hope the peaches make it.
Kelli and Mindy, I'm excited to see both here : )
Glad to know that folks are lining up for locally grown foods at your farmer's market! Here in Israel, which has divine fruits and vegetables, I am horrified to find sometimes (even in a hippy dippy specialty food chain) IMPORTED apples, say, from Washington (USA) state. And I let the proprietor know (opinionated, un-shy me). Ridiculous. Foolish consumers and proprietors and, of course, government policies (worldwide)...
I don't mean to sound like a dumb suburban chick, but is 13 eggs a lot for a duck? It sounds like a lot to me! LOL Ducklings are so sweet. It brings a smile to my face to see a Mama Duck with her waddling babes behind her.
Your photos are beautiful, friend!!!
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