Monday, February 23, 2009


In honor of the Oscars last night, I am thanking beautiful Gail for this award. I thought about giving the speech that I practiced as a child (for my best actress oscar) but it needs some updating.

I am passing it on to just one of the many blogs on which I am hooked, as I hate leaving any one out and this makes it less gnarly for me. So, the award goes to Wistful Wanderlust, a blog that I got hooked on relatively recently . I wish much happiness for Laura. Oh! I forgot. I first have to list six things that make me happy. That's easy.

1. Nicolas, Gillen and Jesse - so breathtakingly so. Especially when they are happy.
2. Blogging - It combines reading, writing, photography, and connecting with amazing people - all major ingredients to my happiness.
3. Good movies - two days ago I got to watch those films nominated for best picture in a movie marathon at a theater, with unlimited popcorn, sitting next to Kelli and Abbi. It was bliss. I loved all of the films (though we didn't stay long enough for "Frost/Nixon"). "Milk" was my favorite.
4. Traveling and exploring. I love so much about travel - getting out of the routine, discovering, all of the heightened senses that come when you aren't in your own territory. I could do without the plane trips. But I am almost over that.
5. Dancing. It used to be, when I was really dancing, that feeling that I would have after a few classes in a row, or after dancing for hours at a club, of just being, just happy, not attached to anything. Now, I am just happy to still be able to move enough to have started taking Zumba dance classes!
6. Crafting with paper. ( I think eating lobster may make me happier but since it's only good in Maine or Boston or on northern islands, I'm not getting much joy from this one.)

The other award that I have received, from Danielle and Ginger, is this one:It looks heavy and oscar like doesn't it? I could be tempted to pull out the speech and the smelling salts. But I won't. I will pass it on to a few talented women in Australia whose bright summery photos have brought me smiles this winter. I pass the award across the equator to Che and Fidel and Four Leaves.

These are the rules to accept the award:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs (or a few, or more : ) that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.
4.The award winner and one who has given the prize have to show the link of Arte y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules


piscesgrrl said...

Get OUT - you picked my blog? Wow - thanks! I've been pretty lax with it lately. Been having a juicy tryst with Facebook. *giggle* But that magic will wear off soon enough I'm sure. I also thought I'd lost my photos and since those were much of my inspiration for blogging, I was wallowing. Brady over-hauled my computer and I found them! Yay!

Thanks so much for this award! (*air kisses*) You rock.

Oh and hey, just saw that you're speaking at the Northeast Unschooler's Conference - go you!

Julie said...

Hello Madeline, Thankyou for your lovely comments and for the award. You have a beautiful blog here. I love your header with springs (I think you are just in spring now) blossoms. Beautiful!

Madeline Rains said...

Laura, I too am being drawn into facebook but I sure do love when you blog. hint.

Julie, it is not quite Spring yet but the buds always come early.